What is TDR?
TDR is a low cost, full range ground subsidence detection network technology proven by the Federal Highway Administration for monitoring movement in landslides and ground subsidence.
- Verification methods for compaction grouting after placement have traditionally relied on grout take records and achieved pressures, CPT or SPT results.
- The CPT and SPT method only measure relative soil strength and not ground movement. These methods can miss the areas of subsurface grouting.
- TDR is able to measure the occurrence and severity of ground movement after remedial efforts.
TDR Applied to Compaction Grouting Projects

- Installed by trained personal and monitored by G3 Group electrical engineers
- Can be installed into only the angled grout holes for cost effective installation
- System is robust and will last for years
- TDR baseline is established at the time of installation
- Measurements can be retaken at any time for litigation or proof of effectiveness of the grout program
TDR Benefits to Homeowner & Service Firms

- Long term performance monitoring of grout project
- Results can be used to insure grout placement was effective
- Claims of improper ground stabilization can be addressed with evidence
- Peace of mind & increased resale value for homeowner
- Reduced false claims and warranty assurances for insurance, engineering, and grouting firms